Recruiting chefs/managers working in the restaurants and hotels of Qatar Airways (2th time)
Opportunity to work in restaurants, hotels, and stores of 7-star Airline Qatar Airways - Traditional partner of Nibelc Group since 2016, they have announced to recruit the 2nd time in 2021.
NIBELC group has Business license No. 1019/LDTBXH-GP about the service of sending Vietnameses to work overseas, issued on March 22. .2018.

Recruiting a large number of Chefs / Managers for the chain of restaurants/hotels/catering stores of Qatar Airways, with the following standards:
1. Recruitment conditions.
- Male: Height 1m60 up, Weight 55kg up, Age from 18 to 45.
- Good health and vision, no diseases: Hepatitis A, B, C, HIV, tuberculosis, syphilis, venereal disease, history of brain disease, heart disease, chronic disease, diseases of bones and joints. No tattoos - no criminal record.
- Good English communication. Experienced and qualified in cooking/kitchen management.
2. Working conditions and Exit of country fee.
Contract term: 2 Years, Extended according to regulation
Time Work: 8h/day, 6 days/week, overtime according to the law
Providing round trip airfare.
Providing meals and accommodation.
Exit fee, deposit, and surcharge according to the Company's regulations.
3. Examination, Profile, and Exit of country process.
Recruitment process: Candidates submit CV in English with video clip practicing cooking skills (15 minutes). An online interview schedule via ZOOM will be arranged 1 day after receiving the candidate's CV, starting from July 19, 2021.
Documents include Original passport (must be valid for more than 02 years), 8 color photos (4x6) with white background, dark shirt, medical examination and resume according to the company's instructions.
Note that employees must be tested for Hepatitis A, B, C, HIV, Tuberculosis, before participating. entrance exam.
Expected to leave the country 2-3 months from the date the employee completes the application.
The company provides full documents and guides employees about bank loans if they need.