Vocational training, Manpower contractor, Labor export
Document Procedures to Recruit Vietnamese Workers
Ngày đăng: 25/11/2011 - Lượt xem: 1360

If you are Recruitment Agency:

  -          Step 1: NIBELC and your company will sign the Agency Agreement (For the 1st time only)

-          Step 2: We need the following documents from the employers to register in the Ministry of Labor in Vietnam before any recruitment

     (a)    Demand letter

The employer/ principle will formally issue a demand letter in favor of Manpower (International Recruitment Agencies) stating the job categories, number of workers required in each category, monthly salary, duration of contract and other amenities for workers such as food, medical, transport, air passage, accommodation, etc.

     (b)   Power of Attorney

The employer/ principal will issue a letter of authority informing him that M/s. Manpower.in is their bonafide Manpower recruiting agent fully authorized to deal with all visa matters, submissions and delivery. The visa number and the date of issue should also be mentioned in the letter.

     (c)    Agreement of Employment

This is standard employment contract between employer and employee

    (d)   Recruitment agreement or (Manpower Supply Contract)

    (e)    Employer business license (copy only)

If you are The Employers:

We need the following documents from you to register in the ministry of labor in Vietnam before any recruitment:

    (a)    Demand letter

    (b)   Power of Attorney

    (c)    Employment contract

    (d)   Recruitment agreement

    (e)    Employer’s business license (copy only)

We will send sample documents at your request. All the above can be scanned/ mailed to us for immediate registering then sent by courier to our office later.

Recruitment Procedure

      1.   Selection:

On receipt of recruitment authority, we published an advertisement in the local and national newspapers to collect application of interested and qualified people. The received/ collected applications are scrutinized for a short listing as the requirement of the employer. Although we maintain an up-to-date bank of potential candidates with full information about their skill, trade qualification and experience, the advertisement is still required to give the other prospective candidates to fill in the post.

We arrange the accommodation, transport and all other logistic supports required for the purpose. In case we are entrusted with the selection & testing of workers, we usually carry out the duty with help from experts for technical & professional categories under direct supervision of our professional executives.

     2.   Medical checkup:

After final selection we send the workers/ candidates for medical check up at the authorized medical centers by the respective embassies of the country of employment

     3. Training:

Employees are provided a course of training in a duration of approximately three months to meet the qualification of the specific categories before testing at our vocational school.

     4. Testing/ Interview:

Candidates will be tested by the employer’s representative to check qualification of the employees. Arrangement for testing will be conducted by supplier.

     5.  Further training:

Employees who passed through testing or interview will be trained for further knowledge and skill to meet the standard qualification.

    6. Application for visa:

Visa application will be submitted to the respective embassies of host countries on basis of block visas/ working permission obtained by the employers.

     7. Ticketing and Emigration:

The employer may send PTA or remit necessary travelling expenses in favor of Manpower Supplier in order to facilitate travelling as scheduled. We will obtain Emigration Clearance from the concerned Government Department for the candidates.

     8.  Orientation before departure:

Employees need to be provided basic orientation before travelling abroad. The workers are informed about their duties and responsibilities while abroad and a first hand information of working environment and living conditions in the host country as well as salient features of labor laws of the country of employment.

Legal Sample for employer

Please check detail  at the link: http://eng.nibelc.com.vn/632/Danh-cho-ung-vien/legal-document-samples.htm

Download Brochure634752643668906250.jpg

International Manpower and Construction ., JSC (NIBELC)

Head Office: National Road 1A, Km 10 Ninh Binh - Ha Noi, Gia Tran, Gia Vien, Ninh Binh.
Hanoi Branch Office:4th Floor, Rainbow Building, New Urban Van Quan, Ha Dong, Hanoi.
Telephone: (84 - 24) 33113 686;     (84 - 24) 33113 688           
Email: nguyenphan@nibelcgroup.vn      Website: www.nibelc.com.vn