order to develop sports movement which has a great influence on
health-enhancing physical activities, learning exchange and fasten good
work relationships of Son Duong Project's staffs in Ha Tinh, in the last
days of 2015, NIBELC Group decided to hold the NIBELC Cup 2015.
Hoping that the NIBELC Cup 2015 will be the premise and a new
playground which is held annually for all staffs of company.
players were nominated from company's departments to participate into
the tournament. Football teams participating included Camp office, Site
office and Coalition 6879-IDCJ.
Here are some photos taken from the tournament:
Players to participate into the match with Fair Play spirit.
The 1st match: Site Office and Coalition 6879-IDCJ
As official match schedule, fantastic battle between Site Office and Coalition 6879-IDCJ was held with the best players. Players of both teams trying to score nice goals. The first battle ended
with the score 1 to 1.

The 2nd match: Site Office and Camp Office
The 2nd match was held with the high assessed teams - Site Office and Camp Office. It could be said that these was the fantastic suspense battle. Site Office couldn't hide the sadness from their faces. Finally, the battle ended with the score 5 to 1 in favor of Camp Office.
Site-Office took photos before starting the battle
The 3rd match: Camp Office and Coalition 6879-IDCJ
Two of the best excellent teams - Camp Office and Coalition 6879-IDCJ joined to the final battle. Finally, the match ended with balance scores 3-3.

Closing and adwards ceremony of the NIBELC cup
The NIBELC Cup 2015 tournament ends with the victory of Camp Office team. As the champions of the tournament, Camp Office got the champions cup, flag and adwards USD 500.
Coalition 6879-IDCJ team got the flag and adwards USD 200 for the second place.
Site Office team got adwards for the third place and Player Duong Thanh Son were honor to got the prize "King of Soccers" with adwards USD 50.
The highest place of NIBELC Cup 2015 belongs to Camp Office team. By the way, King of
this tournament is not only the champions cup but also the spirit of teammates from 3 football teams.
Although the NIBELC Cup
2015 tournament had closed NIBELC staffs, esp. players participating
into matchs wouldn't forget nice memories of beautiful goals with both
sadness and happiness. Hoping that NIBELC group's players will play
better and have much more spectacular goals in next tournaments.

After one year of working hard, NIBELC's leadership at Vung Ang project organized the end-year party to encourage working spirit and also express NIBELC's gratitude to all workers who have sacrified so much for NIBELC's development within 2014.
The end-year party was held with all attention of NIBELC's workers and staffs from Project office and 6879, IMC company.