NIBELC's Pictures
FCIP and JEMCA syndication had a visit and business trip at NIBELC Company
Ngày đăng: 09/12/2015 - Lượt xem: 1236
7th and 8th December 2015, NIBELC has an honor to be received the FCIP (Fund for Construction Industry Promotion) and the JEMCA (Japan Earth Moving Constructors Association) syndication for visitation and work. This business trip of both syndicates aims to research training quality as well as NIBELC's facilities to complete promptly the receiving construction and mechanic trainees project in 2016.

NIBELC received the presence of Mr. Masuo Hosaka - Manager Direct, representative of JEMCA, Mr. Norio Hasegawa - General Director and Mr. Koichi Yamaoka, Mr. Takeshi Hirai - representative of FCIP. Mr. Pham Thanh Lam - General Director of NIBELC was the one who is in charge of receiving the delegation.

On the morning of 07th December 2015, the delegation had visitted and worked at
Vocational College Electrical Engineering Building Tam Diep. The delegation had also visitted and directly researched training quality for preparing of receiving construction and mechanic trainees styding at college.



The delegation had meeting with Administrators of College and NIBELC's BOD at meeting room of the college




The delegation had visitted training rooms of NIBELC company located at college.

After finishing visitation Viet Xo college, the delegation had continuously worked at Ninh Binh head-office of NIBELC. At the meeting, the delegation were open to share and discuss closely about receiving trainees projects signed with NIBELC company in 2016. The meeting had successful results with a lot of opportunites for future trainees of NIBELC.

The delegation will have a visitation to Ha Noi Office of NIBELC on 08th December 2015.


A meeting at Ninh Binh Head-office


The delegation had visitted dormitory built at Ninh Binh Province

In order to meet and give advices to NIBELC's trainees before departure to Japan, the delegation had visitted and a quick interview with trainees at Ha Noi office. Those trainees will be received by Sanetekku and Kanari company in Japan.

Some picture were taken on 08th Dec. 2015


Trainees welcome the delegation at NIBELC Hanoi office



Trainees carefully listen and remember advice and sharing related to work and life in Japan


Representative of syndication took picture for memories at NIBELC Hanoi office

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International Manpower and Construction ., JSC (NIBELC)

Head Office: National Road 1A, Km 10 Ninh Binh - Ha Noi, Gia Tran, Gia Vien, Ninh Binh.
Hanoi Branch Office:4th Floor, Rainbow Building, New Urban Van Quan, Ha Dong, Hanoi.
Telephone: (84 - 24) 33113 686;     (84 - 24) 33113 688           
Email:      Website: