Mechanical/infrastructure/construction contractor and project services supply
Security services supply
Ngày đăng: 09/07/2014 - Lượt xem: 657

NIBELC-VGSC provides security services for fixed target (construction projects, industrial parks, buildings, hotels…); mobile target; VIP protection; event …

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                         Security staff                                                              Martial art practice

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              Security service for supermarket                         Security service for industrial park

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                  Security service for event                                              VIP Protection

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International Manpower and Construction ., JSC (NIBELC)

Head Office: National Road 1A, Km 10 Ninh Binh - Ha Noi, Gia Tran, Gia Vien, Ninh Binh.
Hanoi Branch Office:4th Floor, Rainbow Building, New Urban Van Quan, Ha Dong, Hanoi.
Telephone: (84 - 24) 33113 686;     (84 - 24) 33113 688           
Email:      Website: